Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dead Poets Society

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may."
Please write an analytical essay covering one of the following topics.
Character:  Clearly the message of the film is to embrace the beauty of life and attempt to live life to the fullest as an individual.  Some characters in the film thrive for this romantic vision; others express the opposite "realist/conformist" point of view.  Choose two characters, excluding Mr. Keating, and explain how they represent one of these virtues.
Setting:  The film maker uses setting to establish a conflict between romanticism and realism.  What settings are used in the film and how do they portray the virtues of these types of writing (Realism and Romanticism)
Keating:  Mr. Keating is the clear proponent of the non-conformist message in the play.  What lessons does he use to express this feeling?  Choose at least two and explain how Keating uses them to illustrate his point.

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