Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sacred Texts part 2

Complete a research based analysis of one of the following pieces of sacred literature:

Rig Veda





Using a minimum of 4 sources including your textbook, complete one of the following:

PowerPoint Presentation - this should include a minimum of 8 slides, be complete with appropriate visuals, and be clearly presented to the class. Include a background on the text, share significant excerpts, and give a personal interpretation of the text. Please include a slide with your MLA Works Cited page.

Vodcast or Podcast - this assignment should be a 5 minute podcast covering the subject matter. Please include appropriate musical selections for intro and outro, and demonstrate any necessary editing to your podcast. Include a background on the text, share significant excerpts, and give a personal interpretation of the text. Please turn in a typed MLA Works Cited page with your project.

Research paper - a more formal writing assignment, this paper should be free of mistakes and include an accurate MLA Works Cited page; also include accurate in text or parenthetical citations. Please include a background on the text, share significant excerpts, giving your interpretation of the meaning and relate a personal connection of the text.

Dramatic Reading - using a minimum of one prop, perform a portion of your text to the class. Your presentation should include the conventions of the style of writing that your work represents. Also, include time for an explanation or question and answer session explaining the conventions you used in presenting your
reading. Demonstrate knowledge of your research during the explanation phase of the presentation.

Artistic Rendering - Using any mode that you choose, complete a visual interpretation of the reading. Upon
presenting your artwork to the class, provide an explanation of the art in respect to the literature. During your
presentation, cite your research and the influences that it had on your piece.

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