This is one mistake that many students make every year.
They do it because it's easy.
They do it because they think they know enough to make
it work.
They do it because they just don't realize how SAT
Essay graders will feel about it.
So what is this common mistake?
Writing about "no, no topics."
And just what are these "no, no" topics?
First, let me tell you that the College Board denies
that there are no, no topics.
However, when Adam Robinson, creator of Princeton
Review, reviewed SAT Essays he found that certain
topics seemed to be scored worse by some graders.
Here's what he found:
The worst things you can write about are the same
things people used to say you should never talk about
in polite conversation:
Politics and Religion.
That's right.
When you speak about Politics you just never know if
the teacher grading your essay will be one who agrees
or strongly disagrees with your opinion.
You may think your point of view on the issue is non-
partisan, but that's not always how partisan people
feel. (Partisan people have a strong adherence to a
political party or political philosophy like Democrat,
Republican, Libertarian, Green etc.)
If the grader disagrees or is even offended by your
opinion don't you think this may affect your score even
if the grader is trying to be objective?
The same goes for religion.
Some people in the US are highly religious and can be
easily offended if you take the wrong tone about
religion in your essay.
(Some atheists in the US might even object to the way
you use religion as an example too.)
This is why you absolutely MUST avoid using these two
topics like the plague.
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